The iconic Madrid ballpark was once home to the famous Madrid Miners, the state’s sole AA Minor League Team. Built 1920 by the Madrid Employees Club it was the first lighted ballpark in the American West, drawing as many as 6,000 visitors for the Sunday afternoon games even though Madrid’s population was only 3,000 at the height of the coal mining era. The ballpark also hosted rodeos and the annual Toyland during the town’s famous Christmas celebrations.
With a rare tin roof and grandstands installed in 1928 and stone walls and steps added by the WPA in 1935, the ballpark is a historic landmark but remains in use today, hosting concerts and other outdoor events. Recent renovations included rebuilding the grandstands in the original design and adding a new outfield fence.
The ballpark is named for Oscar Huber, who, in 1910, started to work for the Albuquerque and Cerrillos Coal Company, which owned and operated Madrid as a coal-mining town. Huber was soon promoted to superintendent and then became the owner, taking steps to improve life for the miners and their families by paving streets, building the stadium as well as a hospital and new homes, and providing electricity to the town.