Karen Yank, President
I’m TTRA President and one of the co-founders. I am originally from Wisconsin, but made the Turquoise Trail Communities my home in 1991. I am also a sculptor and my inspirations are informed by the idyllic landscape of the San Pedro Mountains in which I choose to live and work. The Turquoise Trail has become one of my main passions in life and I hope to pass that passion on to my daughter.

Roger Taylor, Vice President
Roger Taylor has been a long-time resident of Galisteo and an active community leader, head of and member of various local Boards involved with water, resource and cultural conservation; prior President and Board member of the Galisteo Community Association Board; co-Chair of 285ALL, a quality of life watch dog alliance of the communities of Eldorado, Lamy and Galisteo and the 24 area HOA's ; prior President of the Santa Fe Basin Water Association, an organization dedicated to protecting regional aquifers for over 30 years; prior President of La Sala de Galisteo, a non-profit which restored one of the remaining historic dance halls in NM and rebirthed it as a community arts center; and a traditional & contemporary tin artist. He is a retired senior executive of the MetLife Corporation.

Toni Olson, Treasurer
My husband’s love of New Mexico brought us to the San Pedro Mountains in 2004 and now I can’t imagine living anywhere else. Concern for the possible expansion of gravel mining in the San Pedro Mountains prompted me to become involved in the TTPT and the San Pedro Neighborhood Association. I have been on the TTPT board since 2005 as Administrative Director and holding the office of Secretary. In June 2010 the position of Treasurer was added to my duties. My involvement with the San Pedro Neighborhood Association includes being a board member and Treasurer. Over the past 28 years I have held various offices in a national non-profit organization which promotes the education of women. Living in this part of New Mexico commits you to maintaining the rural atmosphere, beauty and uniqueness of the Turquoise Trail.

Mike Madden, Director—Open Space and Trails
I'm the TTRA Open Space andTrails Director, serving on the board since 2009. Self-locomotion sports including hiking, biking and cross country skiing appeal to me. Additional recreation facilities are needed for each of these activities along the Turquoise Trail. Other involvements: San Pedro Overlook HOA Trails Committee Chair, co-founder of East Mountain Regional Trails Council, Friends of the Sandias President, Sandia Collaborative Management Chair.

Lisa Davis, Director
Lisa moved to New Mexico with her husband in 1997. Originally from Pennsylvania, the mountain southwest has been a welcome change from the humidity and grey skies of the Northeast! She has been an active community advocate for the East Mountains for many years, with a passion to improve the quality of life and increase access to services for our EM neighbors. She is currently the on the Board of the East Mountain District 5 Coalition of Neighborhood Associations, and is the Past-President of the Sandia Mountain Ranch Neighborhood Association. Lisa is currently self-employed as a Marketing Guru, Event Organizer and Tradeshow Manager. When she isn’t working or traveling – you can find her enjoying, hiking, biking, or skiing with her husband and 2 dogs, and possibly whipping up a gourmet meal for friends.