The No Crude Oil in Lamy Steering Committee was formed in late 2013 in response to a proposal to truck crude oil from the Four Corners area for loading onto rail oil-transport tanker cars in Lamy.
Committee concerns centered on potential water contamination of the town’s only well (adjacent to the proposed off-loading site) as well as safety concerns about the inadequacy of the one two-lane road to handle the volume of heavy truck traffic. Additional concerns included potential spillage or rail accidents and the increased traffic of dangerous substances on heavily traveled I-25.
Committee members are residents of Lamy, Galisteo and several smaller nearby communities. The group launched a very structured campaign that included public meetings; extensive publicity; involvement of elected and appointed county, state and federal officials; coordination with other community action groups; and fund-raising for legal representation. Their efforts resulted in a decision by the trucking company and the railroad to locate this business venture elsewhere.